Condo Insurance
If you are the owner of a condo unit, a condo insurance policy can help you to protect your unit and assets within it should they be stolen or damaged. Like homeowner’s insurance, it should include personal liability coverage and guest medical coverage, as well as the building and personal property coverage.
Renters Insurance
Many renters make the mistake of thinking that their landlord’s insurance will cover risks to their belongings. They all too often find out the truth when it is too late to do anything about it. We want to prevent this from happening to you. Renters insurance is designed to protect your personal property if you are renting an apartment, condo, or house.
Landlord Insurance
Just because you're not living in the property you purchased doesn't mean it's any less of an investment. For landlords, buildings can be lucrative, and they need to be protected. If you have other people living in your property, you want to know that you have the protection in place in case anything goes wrong. Landlords insurance protects landlords in useful ways, such as by covering damage to the building and by offering financial protection in case of loss of rent.
Fire Insurance
This type of insurance covers properties in case of loss or damage to a structure as a result of fire. While most homeowner’s insurance policies cover this, it is likely to be capped. In some cases, fire coverage may be missing from homeowner’s insurance entirely. A separate fire insurance policy will make it more likely that the holder can cover repairs in full without dipping into his or her own pocket. Fire insurance is a particularly good idea if you have valuables that cannot be replaced or are not covered under a standard homeowners’ insurance policy.